
Overview of the implementation steps
For more information about the implementation steps, please scroll below for the implementation manual.

Pilot sites (2010-2023)

Supporting Documents

 Implementation Manual

This guide has been developed to support implementation of the National Needs-Based Planning model.
click here to download.


Core Services Framework

This project team undertook the development of a national set of core mental health and substance use services as a key component for application within the NBP model. This work was undertaken with considerable input and iterative feedback from the project’s National Advisory Committee and expert consultants. 

The Core Services Framework is a critical tool for implementing the NBP model as it defines the services to be mapped and estimated. It also provides several examples of models under each service category being implemented across the country. 

click here to download.

In addition, it provides a national standard that assists in a variety of other planning processes by identifying high level gaps and making comparisons across jurisdictions.

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) has worked with the NBP team to align their reporting requirements by functional centres with this framework.


Summaries of Evidence-Based Practices and Promising Program Models

To also support implementation of the NBP model and priorization of gaps that may emerge from the gap analysis, the Project Team reviewed relevant literature and accessed the experience of several members of the National Advisory Committee and other experts in mental health and substance use health to identify evidence-based practices and promising program models for selected core services identified through the pilot testing phase.


– Substance Use Supportive Recovery Core Service Category. click here to download.

– Community-Based Intensive Day or Evening Core Service Category. click here to download.

– Acute Intoxication Core Service Category. click here to download.

– Intensive Case Management Core Services Category. click here to download.

– Mobile Withdrawal Management Services Core Service Category. click here to download.

– Supportive/Supported Housing Core Service Category. click here to download.