
Project Reports (2019-2023)

-Final Project Report- click here to download (coming soon)
-Final Project Technical Report- click here to download (coming soon)
-Final Project Evaluation Report- click here to download

Pilot Site Reports (2019-2023)

-Niagara Region, Ontario – click here to download
-Nipissing District, Ontario- click here to download

-Prairie Mountain Health, Manitoba- click here to download

-North Zone, Alberta- click here to download

-Province of New Brunswick-click here to download

-Province of Nova Scotia- click here to download


-Development of a Needs-Based Planning Model to Estimate Required Capacity of a Substance Use Treament System (July 2018)- click here to download


Development of a Needs-Based Planning Model to Estimate Required Capacity of a Substance Use Treatment System: A Canadian Model (November 2022, Lisbon Addiction 2022)- click here to download